
NicheMTL is a publication and media platform devoted to groundbreaking new art, music, film, fashion, and travel from Montreal and beyond.

NicheMTL is home to original and incisive content, including: Play Recent, a roundup of the latest month’s avant-garde; a photo-essay called 999 Words; our travel and lifestyle column, How Do You Spell Holiday?; and All Dressed, your guide to fashion and style with substance. You’ll also find fascinating interviews with artists and luminaries at the forefront of Montreal’s diverse creative scenes.

What’s in a name? NicheMTL was conceived to showcase the most special kinds of culture—rare culture, singular culture, niche culture. We only publish thoughtful and elegant writing on a wide range of otherwise narrow subjects.

NicheMTL is always looking for the newest in niche things, so don’t hesitate to get in touch at the links above. Find your niche.

Ryan Alexander Diduck, publisher

photos by Louise Callier